Clone Facebook Accounts Using Termux


Clone Facebook Accounts

Clone Facebook Accounts Using Termux

Get Facebook accounts using Wordlist and crack or clone them using the termux app, this is the most famous way to clone them using termux.

Many Facebook users create passwords to protect their data. However, some users put straightforward passwords on their Facebook accounts, and that type of account can be hacked very easily.

Today we are going to review another tool for cloning. This tool helps you to clone Facebook accounts using termux. If you do not have the app then, download termux app from f-droid.

Termux is very important to run this tool but if you have Kali Linux then you can use the same tool on Linux. As I mentioned what is cloning? But let me explain to you a little bit more.

What is Facebook cloning?

Clone means to create the same look-like account right? But in the case of Facebook cloning tools, we make a password list to crack passwords that have weak security.

For example, If you join a group with 100k members and then you perform an attack to clone Facebook accounts using termux and you target a specific password like 786786, then we all know many people have set the same password on their accounts.

And these types of accounts can be hacked very easily. In the other term, we can say that these types of accounts can be cloned quickly. Termux tools are very powerful they can hack facebook account by sending a single link to the victim.

Let's move on to our Facebook cloning tool. You need some commands to install this tool in termux. I have all of these commands and you have to put them one by one. Do not write these commands manually. 

Commands For Termux:

  1. apt update
  2. apt upgrade -y
  3. pkg install git -y
  4. pkg install python
  5. pkg install python2
  6. termux-setup-storage
  7. git clone
  8. cd pakcrack
  9. python2

The tool is coded in Python language, You have to install some requirements to run this tool. Don't worry just put the above commands and all the requirements automatically be fulfilled.

The most important thing, this tool only works for Pakistani accounts. People are commenting on the Paksitani tool so you can try this. I have some other tools but all tools demand a paid subscription but, this one is free of cost.

This tool is password-protected. When you put the last command to run the tool it asks for the password. So use the below username and password to execute the tool.

Username: cra3k
Pass: htrtech

When you execute the tool, the tool asks for the number of providers to clone Facebook accounts. When you select the provider it starts cloning accounts. 

You get many accounts with OK status and many accounts with checkpoint status. You have to wait for 48 hours to open the checkpoint account. 

So this is the all information about this tool. If you are still confused about anything I give you the practical video of this tool. Click below to watch the practical video.

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